Due to city bylaws we cannot install on city boulevards

Whitby Real Estate Open House Signs Bylaws

Real estate open house sign shall be permitted in accordance with the following:

  1.  the maximum sign height can be up 1.2 metres;

  2. the maximum sign width can be up to 0.8 metres;

  3. the sign needs to be at least 1 meter back from any curbs, or the travelled part of the road, in the event there is not standard curb in place. The sign would not be on the sidewalk and should not be in the way of pedestrian walkways. The sign cannot block a driveway and should not be located within a sighttriangle as determined by the Corporation’s zoning by-laws; and,

  4. the open house sign needs to be removed after you are done the open house, or within 72 hours regardless, in the event you are having multiple day open house showings

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